BrandsandFake, Investigations on Fake Products,Detectives for Fake Products, IP Lawyers, IPR Investigators India, Mobile- +919971556670 Information on Fake Products in India: Investigation on Infringement; Vital for Growth of the Society

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Investigation on Infringement; Vital for Growth of the Society

While the Intellectual Property formalities take place, such as registration of Trade Mark or Patent etc. Before and after these procedures are taken care of, it is extremely imperative for a business or brand to make sure that there is no forged brand, abusing or feigning your businesses’ intellectual property, together with brand name, logo etc. We at Brands and Fakes help you with trademark infringement investigation, since our expert team has the capability and knowledge to classify and analyze intellectual property infringement on behalf of the businesses.

As a brand, one puts in a lot of money and efforts in research and growth of their products and services they provide, for the betterment and health of the consumer purchasing and using these products. Counterfeited products on the other hand hamper the progress of these, ‘created with utmost effort products.’ These unlicensed products, be it jewellery, clothes, DVDs, softwares, end up costing the original product owner millions of Rupees in domestic as well as global market. The unfasten falsification of the forged products are unbolted and barefaced and repeatedly transpire without law enforcement involvement. Brands and Fakes works with several brand owners, volunteers, specialists on Intellectual Property such as trademarks etc to fight such violations on IPR.

In brand name violation and phoney products, ‘cause investigations’ are usually used to investigate and report fake products. For the same substantiation is congregated through investigations by and large is accepted. Investigations in trademark issues take place at large when brand owners and lawyers take into service, investigators to masquerade as patrons, buyers, or counterfeiters to make certain how the assumed infringer or counterfeiter represents himself to the consumers or to establish the foundation of forged or counterfeited goods. These analytical practices are a dependable and well-organized ways to bring together the information on the corrupt usage of a trademark, collect information about trademark forgery or determine information about a suspected infringer.

Such investigations may come about at any time together with the course of litigation that one plans to take up to protect his brand. The investigations count to be essential to establish breach of any kind. They may be used to congregate substantiation if not discoverable, as the suspected infringer would in all probabilities not collaborate. 

Infact, there are high chances that on the way of such exploration, investigators may unequivocally or unreservedly pull the wool over your eyes on who they actually are, may not be honest about the reason of their stopover, questions or interviews, and may also clandestinely record, photograph or videotape others during the visits but only in legal limits. Hence, it is imperative for people from every walk of life to be alert and aware to fight the menace of forgery and hamper the growth of duplicate products.


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